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How To Ensure Your Business Is GDPR Compliant

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There was a flurry of activity for businesses around the deadline for the introduction of the GDPR legislation to ensure they were compliant. However, since May you may have taken a step away from this aspect of your business, and that means your standards might have dropped.

This legislation touches various aspects of a business, which means you need to ensure you’re getting it right at every level.

A recent article for IBB Law offered some advice on how to ensure you tick the GDPR boxes, while also providing a better service for your customers.

Top of the list is to appoint an internal GDPR officer. Even if you’re not legally required to have a data protection officer because you have a small business, it’s sensible to have someone internally who can lead change and who is available to discuss any privacy issues that arise internally.

Regularly reviewing your privacy policy and ensuring it’s written in clear English is also essential, as is monitoring and updating your security arrangements. This includes the physical security of documents and data, as well as cyber security.

Companies should also pay particular attention to their marketing strategy. Remember that customers need to have expressly given their consent to receive any e-marketing messages from you.

Find a specialist in material science marketing if you need any guidance in this area, or want to improve your overall strategy and get better results.

IT Pro recently revealed that data protection regulators in the EU expect to impose the first sanctions for GDPR breaches by the end of this year. Giovanni Buttarelli, European data protection supervisor, reportedly told Reuters that imposing fines is just one element of the enforcement action that will be taken.

Author: Matt