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Brexit ‘Bigger Worry’ Than GDPR For UK Firms

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Although many companies were worried about the introduction of the new GDPR legislation in Europe last May, it appears that many have moved on and are worrying about other things this year.

IT Pro Portal reported on a survey by NetApp, which found that almost half of the UK businesses it surveyed believe that Brexit will create bigger issues than GDPR did. In fact, many look positively on the implementation of the GDPR regulation.

The majority of respondents said that data regulation had had a positive impact on their firm, with less than one in five of those questioned expecting negative impacts as a result of data regulation.

In fact, many businesses added that the improved data regulation brought in through GDPR gives them a competitive advantage.

That said, data sovereignty is one of the areas that firms are concerned about in relation to Brexit, with two-thirds of those surveyed having given “some” or “major” concern to this in their preparations for the UK’s exit from the EU.

Martin Warren, cloud solutions marketing manager EMEA at NetApp, said that it’s encouraging to see so many companies are thinking about data when it comes to Brexit.

“Whilst this is partly driven by legislation and specifically GDPR, there is now also a better understanding of how data regulation positively contributes to the commercial success of an organisation,” he stated.

However, not all businesses believe their company has got their house in order when it comes to data and GDPR. The latest Dell Digital Transformation Index found that nearly one-third of businesses don’t believe they’re fully compliant with this legislation.

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Author: Matt