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Are You Taking Care Of Your GDPR Gaps?

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Ahead of the GDPR legislation coming into force earlier this year, many businesses in the UK expressed concerns that they wouldn’t be fully compliant in time for the deadline.

With an audit – not to mention an actual data breach – possible at any time, it’s more important than ever for businesses to be honest about their shortcomings and to do all they can to plug those GDPR gaps.

IT Pro Portal recently shared data from an Apricorn survey, which was conducted just before the GDPR deadline. At that time, just over 80 per cent of those questioned named at least one area that they believed would lead them to fail an audit.

It’s worth looking back at some of the most common responses to find out where there could still be work to do.

At the top of the list was controlling the data that’s being collected. The Apricorn research found that 50 per cent of organisations admitted to a lack of understanding of the data they collected and processed.

Only by knowing exactly what you have can you take appropriate steps to safeguard that information, the news provider stressed.

Failing to encrypt personally identifiable information (PII) was another stumbling block companies were facing earlier this year. As well as ensuring it’s encrypted when being stored, the same needs to be true if it’s ever in transit.

Mobile working and employee training were two other areas cited as concerns in terms of staying fully GDPR compliant.

Given that recent reports suggest the number of reported cyber attacks has increased considerably since the introduction of GDPR, it’s essential the firms review their information security processes and make changes where necessary.

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Author: Matt