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Life Sciences Firm Expanding Its Presence In London

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US firm Mapi, which specialises in patient-centred health research and commercialisation, has announced that it is effectively doubling the amount of space it has in the UK by moving into a new state-of-the-art facility in London.

This will become the firm’s Global Research Centre and it is set to be located in Imperial College London’s Translation and Innovation Hub – known as I-HUB – in White City.

James Karis, CEO at Mapi, explained that access to the country’s universities and entrepreneurs was a significant driver for the company choosing this location for its new centre.

“The chance to be part of this research ecosystem and the scientific community that calls London home was a key factor in our decision to locate at the I-HUB,” he asserted.

Chief executive of Imperial College London ThinkSpace, which runs I-HUB, Dr Eulian Roberts described the organisation as a “fantastic addition” to the space, noting that this centre not only works for healthcare research, but also fosters collaboration across engineering, science and business.

However, the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) recently suggested that firms looking to invest in healthcare research and innovation may want to turn their attention away from the capital and look further north in the UK.

The NHSA’s research found that institutions in the north of the country only receive 13.5 per cent of health research funding, but are able to produce almost as many patents as their counterparts in London, which receive 32.1 per cent of the funding in this area.

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Author: Matt