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Life Sciences Companies ‘Do Better In North Than South’

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Where do you find your lab instruments telemarketing yields the best results with clients? We’re all aware of the funding gap between the South and North when it comes to budgeting for new equipment, but a recent study shows that despite this, the Northern life sciences labs are coming up with a similar level of patents as their Southern counterparts.

The research, commissioned by the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA), found that 386 patents were produced up North, compared to 401 in London, despite the latter receiving double the funding, according to Chronicle Live.

The North receives 13.5 per cent of health research funding, while London receives 32.1 per cent. This research has lead to calls for the North to receive at least its fair share of funding, given the results produced.

“There is no doubt that the North of England is an energised exciting place to do health research and the fact that it outstrips Oxford or Cambridge in its ability to produce novel inventions, despite seeing much less support in terms of funding, demonstrates that irrefutably,” said NHSA chief executive Dr Hakim Yadi.

He added that in the post-Brexit economy, new investment was required to unlock the full force of the ‘Northern powerhouse’.

The ‘golden triangle’ – a group of universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, King’s College London, University College London, and the London School of Economics – receive £702million in health funding, which equates to 86 per cent of the overall budget for this research spend.


Author: Matt